Thursday, November 1, 2012
New developments, new offerings
It had been a while since my last blog entry and since the kids' exams are over, I'm uploading all the latest news and product offerings and maybe, one or two craft tutorials.
We'd been busy with the kids' exam preparations, making new stuff for the monthly MAAD and other bazaars, working on our new Leather Collection, a new baby niece in July plus new baby products! So, coming your way over the coming days & weeks, new baby & kid stuff! Plus, of course, our new Leather collection additions.... Oooh, I'm so in love with leather......
We have so many exciting developments here at barangshop.... We are so excited.... We are contributing DIY articles to a new parent & child Handicraft DIY Column in the bilingual newspaper - MyPaper 我报! The first article will be out today - 1st November 2012. We do retail the kit or supplies if you want to make your own. So if you can get hold of a copy, do read our article! Otherwise, you can view the epaper at We are on page 10 of the Chinese section!